Sunday, 19 May 2013

Work in progress...

I've been doing a lot of work 'behind the scenes' lately, working on logos and looking into printing, paper types etc. I want my prints to be of the best possible quality, so they remain as close to the original artwork as possible. There's a lot of work to be done before I will be ready to go, and I'm still trying to find a balance between looking after an energetic toddler full-time and being creative.

I've been experimenting with Posca markers recently, and I have to say so far I love them. They give a really bold, vibrant and solid colour, an effect I often strive to achieve in my artwork. I have been using the medium size markers, which are a good starting point as the tip is fat enough to block colour largers areas, yet small enough for some detail. I'm pleased with the results so far, and particularly love the fresh blue in this image...what do you think?